Issue with Navigation Flow on Upcoming IPO Page after Viewing Overall Subscription in Angel One App

Description: There is a navigation flow issue in the Angel One app when users interact with the IPO section. Here’s how to reproduce the bug:

  1. Navigate to the IPO section of the app.
  2. Click on “View Recently Closed IPOs.”
  3. In the list of recently closed IPOs, click on “Overall Subscription.”
  4. A new screen opens displaying the subscription details. On this screen, click on “Overall Subscription” again.
  5. After this, press the back button to return to the previous screens.

Issue: When the user navigates back, instead of returning to the original IPO section, the app incorrectly displays the “Upcoming IPO” page. On this page, the user is able to interact with elements, but the page cannot be scrolled, and it refreshes unexpectedly. This makes it difficult for the user to navigate through the upcoming IPOs effectively.

Impact: This bug disrupts the user experience by preventing the user from scrolling through the upcoming IPO page. Users may find it challenging to view all available options or perform actions on this page, leading to potential confusion or frustration.

Expected Behavior: When navigating back from the “Overall Subscription” screen, the app should either return to the correct IPO section or allow full functionality, including scrolling, on the Upcoming IPO page.

Hi @mukund thank you for the feedback. We’ve raised this with the team, and we’ll get get back to you once we have an update.