Elevate Your Trading and Investment Experience with the Angel One iOS Super App

Hey Investors,

IOur commitment to simplifying and enhancing your financial journey continues with significant upgrades to the Portfolio section and key modules on iOS. These recent features, rolled out this August, are aimed at transforming the Super app into your preferred investment companion!

Let’s delve into the key improvements that are set to revolutionize your portfolio management:

Major Portfolio Enhancements :bar_chart: Discover the forefront enhancements introduced to the Portfolio page of the Angel One iOS Super app:

Track Bond Performance: The platform is now your go-to for bond tracking, regardless of where you initially invested. Effortlessly monitor bond performance directly on the Angel One Portfolio. Transferring bonds from other platforms or off-market transactions to your Angel One account is all it takes.

Unified Investment Insights: Gain comprehensive insights into your entire investment spectrum, from stocks and mutual funds to bonds. Visualize the overall returns earned by your portfolio, streamlining your diverse investments’ tracking.

In-depth Stock Breakdown: Uncover detailed stock information when you select a specific stock in your portfolio:

  • Free Quantity: Stocks bought as delivery, settled, and not pledged.
  • Unsettled Quantity (T1 Quantity): Quantity awaiting settlement.
  • CUSPA Quantity: Securities not fully paid for.
  • MTF Quantity: Quantity purchased as MTF and pledged.
  • Pledged Quantity: Quantity pledged for margin.
  • Blocked Quantity Display: Visualize the number of shares that are blocked, enhancing trade visibility.

Sort by Gain and Loss: Prioritize your assets by sorting them based on their daily gains or losses since the previous closing, aiding strategic decision-making.

Additional Highlights :star2: Wait, there’s more to explore beyond the Portfolio enhancements:

Extended Trades and Charges Access: Access trades and charges data for an extended period of 180 days, compared to the previous 30 days. This expanded timeframe empowers you to analyze a broader range of data, fostering a deeper understanding of your trading trends.

Download Transaction History: At the end of “Holdings Breakup,” the option to “Download All Transaction” awaits. Effortlessly download your asset-related transaction history, ensuring easy record-keeping and analysis.

Guidelines for New Users: We’ve got your back! New users receive essential guidelines while adding funds to their Angel One accounts, ensuring a seamless experience.

Experience the future of trading and investment through the enhanced Angel One iOS Super app. These updates epitomize our commitment to empowering you with the tools and insights needed for confident decision-making.

Embark on a journey of smart investing today! Update your Angel One iOS Super App and witness firsthand how these enhancements transform your investment endeavors.