BEML shares rebounded from the day’s low of Rs 3,172 on NSE after the company secured an order worth Rs 72.71 crore from Eastern Coalfields Limited for the BH100 Rear dumper.
As of 2:11 pm, the stock was trading at Rs 3,215.55 on the National Stock Exchange (NSE), marking a 0.6 percent decrease from the previous close.
Throughout the day, a total of three lakh BEML shares were traded on the BSE and NSE combined. This is lower compared to the 1-week and 1-month average trading volume of eight lakh equity shares.
Earlier in the week on February 27, the stock had experienced a nearly 10 percent increase. According to technical analysts, the counter appeared ‘bullish’ on daily charts. However, since then, the stock has corrected by around five percent. In the preceding session, BEML share price declined by over five percent, extending losses for the second consecutive day.