Angel one due diligence not adhered- Discrepancy in Motilal Oswal multi cap fund changed to Motilal Oswal large cap causing duplication & Confusion in investors

Currently invested in Motilal Oswal multi cap fund , this has changed to Motilal Oswal large cap in Angel One.
I have liaised with AMC yesterday, AMC has stated they have not changed fund name , this seems to software glitch at Angel one, this is causing undue confusion to investors as Motilal Oswal AMC has existing separate large cap fund this inturn is damaging reputation of AMC and frustrating experience of customer.

Please look into this urgently, work with each other and try to fix this issue at the earliest to cause undue dissatisfaction to existing and new investor in multi cap fund.

AMC reputation and Angel both reputation and credibility is getting damaged.