is angel one advisory and its telegram channel dead or shut down, once a very active channel now doesn’t have any recommendations even though market has been moving good on either sides(favourable for recommendations), other advisories have been very active in the meanwhile, really appreciated the FnO recommendations on the channel but nowadays there is next to nothing, please do update on it if anything is wrong with the research desk or team
Hi @arjun749 We are currently in the process of revamping the platform based on the feedback we’ve received from our valued customers, including yourself. This includes the Telegram channel, and we’re committed to making it more informative and valuable for you.
We appreciate your patience and understanding. We’ll be sure to provide an update on the new and improved platform, as soon as it’s available.
In the meantime, you can stay updated on market trends and insights through our other channels, such as the Angel One app, website, and social media platforms.
Finally, reply came, i appreciate how angel one team is dedicated on constantly improving itself i look at angel one taking over all other brokers in future,
Really looking forward on receiving further updates on the topic, advisory especially
thank you