Grasim Industries, a company under the Aditya Birla Group, has ventured into the paint business with its Birla Opus brand. The company has inaugurated its first paint manufacturing facility in Panipat (Haryana), while trial operations are ongoing at Ludhiana (Punjab) and Cheyyar (Tamil Nadu). Additionally, Grasim is in the process of establishing three more paint manufacturing plants, bringing the total to six by the end of the next fiscal year (FY25). With an investment of Rs 10,000 crore, Grasim aims to increase its overall capacity by 1.3 billion litres in the domestic paint market.
Over the past decade, the paint sector has witnessed a steady influx of new competitors. These newcomers have attempted to gain market share by offering higher-quality products, retail discounts, and better incentives to dealers. However, these strategies have not significantly impacted the market share of industry leaders. Asian Paints and Berger Paints continue to dominate the decorative paint segment (including exterior and interior wall paints, wood finishes, and enamels), with estimated market shares of 54% and 20% respectively.